Friday, June 19, 2009

Fred M Okemwa.
TSHT 624 Protestant theological Heritage.
Reflection paper 2.
The course TSHT 624 is becoming interestingly valuable for the lovers of history. It of great interest to note that in the past God has worked with many people regardless of their faith and religion. The history of the reformers who in one way or another have contributed to our Adventism today is clear indication that in every generation God has always had a people to spearhead the work of reform whether within the Christian circles or outside the sphere of Christianity.
The holistic approach used by the prof. of the course to expound the biblical texts is of much value because of the integritness of his methodological way of thinking and let no one take it slightly. For many years, we in the Adventist circle we have been so closed up to an extent that we limit God’s Salvation within our Adventism context. This was the Jewish problem too( ref: john 4;22).In matters of God’s salvation we need to be extra careful not to judge others on the basis of their religion or denomination for God alone is the right judge .
Regarding the class debate on apostasy and reformation it is absolutely true that in every movement within the Christian church there has been moments of apostasy and reform as well. In the Roman Catholic, I believe that before the element of corruption cropped up, it did much good for the children of God. When apostasy entered, there were some men within the Catholic Church itself who raised up their voices against the corrupt influences to an extent that some were burnt alive. So let’s accept the fact that in any movement in as much that God is leading, the Devil as well is behind to destroy and to cause to perish. Let’s be positive the direction is clear. The path of the just will keep on to shine more and more till the perfect day.

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